Contact the school office (07) 4068 4555 to obtain an enrolment package.
The application for enrolment is checked and amended or a blank form will be filled in. All forms in the enrolment form are to be signed by the parent and/or student where applicable. Explanations for each document can be obtained at the interview.
Students enrolling in year 11 or 12 will need to attend a SET (senior education and training) plan interview with the guidance counsellor along with the enrolment interview.
Contact the school to make an appointment for an enrolment interview with the deputy of student services. To this interview bring All the completed forms and a copy of the student’s birth certificate. If the student is coming from a non-state school please bring recent school reports. If the student has moved here from overseas bring their passport and visa. The student must attend the interview with the parent/carer.